Cheat Sheet
Reference Contract
This reference contract demonstrates the key features and syntax of Contracting.
random.seed() # Seed the random number generator
# Variable is a way to define a state variable in the contract
simple_var = Variable()
# Hash is a way to define a key-value store in the contract
storage = Hash(default_value=0)
submission_time = Variable()
submission_block_num = Variable()
submission_block_hash = Variable()
random_number = Variable()
# ForeignHash is a way to get a read-only view of
# a Hash object from another contract
xian_balances = ForeignHash(
foreign_contract='currency', foreign_name='balances'
# ForeignVariable is a way to get a read-only view of
# a Variable object from another contract
foundation_owner = ForeignVariable(
foreign_contract='foundation', foreign_name='owner'
# The construct decorator is optional and can be used to define
# initialization logic for the contract. It's called on contract submission
def seed():
# Initialize the contract with a variable
# now is a built-in variable that returns the current datetime
random_number.set(random.randint(0, 100))
# block_num is a built-in variable that returns the current block number
# block_hash is a built-in variable that returns the current block hash
# This function is private and cannot be called from outside the contract
def private_function():
return "This is a private function"
# The export decorator is used to define functions that can be called from
# outside the contract
def call_private_function():
# Call the private function
return private_function()
# This function is public and can be called from outside the contract
def public_function():
return "This is a public function"
# Increment the variable by 1
def increment():
simple_var.set(simple_var.get() + 1)
# Decrement the variable by 1
def decrement():
simple_var.set(simple_var.get() - 1)
# Set a key-value pair in the storage
def set_storage_pair(key: str, value: int):
storage[key] = value
# Get the value of a key in the storage
def get_storage_pair(key: str):
return storage[key]
# Set a nested key-value pair in the storage
def set_nested_storage_pair(key: str, nested_key: str, value: int):
storage[key, nested_key] = value
# Get the value of a nested key in the storage
def get_nested_storage_pair(key: str, nested_key: str):
return storage[key, nested_key]
# Import another contract dynamically
def interact_with_other_contract(contract: str, args: dict):
c = importlib.import_module(contract)
forced_interface = [
# Func is a way to enforce the existence
# of a function with specific arguments
importlib.Func('do_something', args=('amount', 'to')),
# Var is a way to enforce the existence
# of a variable with a specific type
importlib.Var('balances', Hash)
# Enforce the interface of the other contract
assert importlib.enforce_interface(c, forced_interface)
# Interact with another contract
# Check if the submission time is older than a specific date
def is_older_than_date(date: datetime.datetime):
return submission_time.get() < date
def get_contract_name():
return ctx.this
def am_i_a_masternode():
nodes = ForeignVariable(
foreign_contract='masternodes', foreign_name='nodes'
) # nodes is a list
return ctx.caller in nodes
def xian_balance():
# Return value from a previously retrieved Hash object
return xian_balances[ctx.caller]
def get_foundation_owner():
# Return value from a previously retrieved Variable object
return foundation_owner.get()
# The actual caller that called this function.
# Could be a contract or an account
def who_am_i():
return ctx.caller
# First signer in the call chain (the original signer).
# This is the account that initiated the transaction even
# if the transaction was forwarded by another contract
def get_top_level_signer():
return ctx.signer
# Exception handling
def calculate():
some_value = 0
# This will not work. The transaction will result in an error
# because it's not allowed to use exceptions in smart contracts.
return 100 / some_value
return "Cannot divide by 0"
# Instead, use asserts
assert some_value != 0, "Cannot divide by 0"
# Or use IF statements
if some_value == 0:
return "Cannot divide by 0"