XSC003 Token Contract
Example Xian Token Smart Contract based Dice game with random functions and house edge. It features a cryptographic permit system for approvals as well as a streaming functionality to support subscription type functionality.
This example demonstrates :
- How to use the
module to verify signatures. - How to use the
module to generate hashes. - How to use the
module to handle dates and times.
Source Code
- The source code, including tests for this project can be found here: Xian GitHub
Running Tests
- For running the tests in this example, we recommend using the Contract Dev Environment.
Contract Code
balances = Hash(default_value=0)
metadata = Hash()
# XST002
permits = Hash()
# XST003
streams = Hash()
# XST001
def seed():
balances[ctx.caller] = 1_000_000
metadata['token_name'] = "TEST TOKEN"
metadata['token_symbol'] = "TST"
metadata['token_logo_url'] = 'https://some.token.url/test-token.png'
metadata['token_website'] = 'https://some.token.url'
metadata['operator'] = ctx.caller
def change_metadata(key: str, value: Any):
assert ctx.caller == metadata['operator'], 'Only operator can set metadata.'
metadata[key] = value
def transfer(amount: float, to: str):
assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances.'
assert balances[ctx.caller] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send.'
balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
balances[to] += amount
return f"Sent {amount} to {to}"
def approve(amount: float, to: str):
assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances.'
balances[ctx.caller, to] += amount
return f"Approved {amount} for {to}"
def transfer_from(amount: float, to: str, main_account: str):
assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances.'
assert balances[main_account, ctx.caller] >= amount, f'Not enough coins approved to send. You have {balances[main_account, ctx.caller]} and are trying to spend {amount}'
assert balances[main_account] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send.'
balances[main_account, ctx.caller] -= amount
balances[main_account] -= amount
balances[to] += amount
return f"Sent {amount} to {to} from {main_account}"
def balance_of(address: str):
return balances[address]
# XST002 / Permit
def permit(owner: str, spender: str, value: float, deadline: str, signature: str):
deadline = strptime_ymdhms(deadline)
permit_msg = construct_permit_msg(owner, spender, value, str(deadline))
permit_hash = hashlib.sha3(permit_msg)
assert permits[permit_hash] is None, 'Permit can only be used once.'
assert now < deadline, 'Permit has expired.'
assert crypto.verify(owner, permit_msg, signature), 'Invalid signature.'
balances[owner, spender] += value
permits[permit_hash] = True
return f"Permit granted for {value} to {spender} from {owner}"
def construct_permit_msg(owner: str, spender: str, value: float, deadline: str):
return f"{owner}:{spender}:{value}:{deadline}:{ctx.this}"
# XST003 / Streaming Payments
SENDER_KEY = "sender"
RECEIVER_KEY = "receiver"
STATUS_KEY = "status"
BEGIN_KEY = "begins"
CLOSE_KEY = "closes"
RATE_KEY = "rate"
CLAIMED_KEY = "claimed"
STREAM_ACTIVE = "active"
STREAM_FINALIZED = "finalized"
STREAM_FORFEIT = "forfeit"
# Creates a new stream to a receiver from ctx.caller
# Stream can begin at any point in past / present / future
# Wrapper for perform_create_stream
def create_stream(receiver: str, rate: float, begins: str, closes: str):
begins = strptime_ymdhms(begins)
closes = strptime_ymdhms(closes)
sender = ctx.caller
stream_id = perform_create_stream(sender, receiver, rate, begins, closes)
return stream_id
# Internal function used to create a stream from a permit or from a direct call from the sender
def perform_create_stream(sender: str, receiver: str, rate: float, begins: str, closes: str):
stream_id = hashlib.sha3(f"{sender}:{receiver}:{begins}:{closes}:{rate}")
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] is None, 'Stream already exists.'
assert begins < closes, 'Stream cannot begin after the close date.'
assert rate > 0, 'Rate must be greater than 0.'
streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] = STREAM_ACTIVE
streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY] = begins
streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY] = closes
streams[stream_id, RECEIVER_KEY] = receiver
streams[stream_id, SENDER_KEY] = sender
streams[stream_id, RATE_KEY] = rate
streams[stream_id, CLAIMED_KEY] = 0
return stream_id
# Creates a payment stream from a valid signature of a permit message
# Wrapper for perform_create_stream
def create_stream_from_permit(sender: str, receiver: str, rate: float, begins: str, closes: str, deadline: str, signature: str):
begins = strptime_ymdhms(begins)
closes = strptime_ymdhms(closes)
deadline = strptime_ymdhms(deadline)
assert now < deadline, 'Permit has expired.'
permit_msg = construct_stream_permit_msg(sender, receiver, rate, begins, closes, deadline)
permit_hash = hashlib.sha3(permit_msg)
assert permits[permit_hash] is None, 'Permit can only be used once.'
assert crypto.verify(sender, permit_msg, signature), 'Invalid signature.'
permits[permit_hash] = True
return perform_create_stream(sender, receiver, rate, begins, closes)
# Moves balance due from stream from sender to receiver.
# Called by `sender` or `receiver`
def balance_stream(stream_id: str):
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY], 'Stream does not exist.'
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] == STREAM_ACTIVE, 'You can only balance active streams.'
assert now > streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY], 'Stream has not started yet.'
sender = streams[stream_id, SENDER_KEY]
receiver = streams[stream_id, RECEIVER_KEY]
assert ctx.caller in [sender, receiver], 'Only sender or receiver can balance a stream.'
closes = streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY]
begins = streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY]
rate = streams[stream_id, RATE_KEY]
claimed = streams[stream_id, CLAIMED_KEY]
# Calculate the amount of tokens that can be claimed
outstanding_balance = calc_outstanding_balance(begins, closes, rate, claimed)
assert outstanding_balance > 0, 'No amount due on this stream.'
claimable_amount = calc_claimable_amount(outstanding_balance, sender)
balances[sender] -= claimable_amount
balances[receiver] += claimable_amount
streams[stream_id, CLAIMED_KEY] += claimable_amount
return f"Claimed {claimable_amount} tokens from stream"
# Sets a stream to expire at some point greater than or equal to the current time.
# If the new closes time is in the past, the stream is closed immediately
# If the new close time < begins, the stream is closed at begin time <invalidated>
# Called by `sender`
def change_close_time(stream_id: str, new_close_time: str):
new_close_time = strptime_ymdhms(new_close_time)
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY], 'Stream does not exist.'
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] == STREAM_ACTIVE, 'Stream is not active.'
sender = streams[stream_id, SENDER_KEY]
assert ctx.caller == sender, 'Only sender can extend the close time of a stream.'
if new_close_time < streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY] and now < streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY]:
streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY] = streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY]
elif new_close_time <= now:
streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY] = now
streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY] = new_close_time
return f"Changed close time of stream to {streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY]}"
# Set the stream inactive.
# A stream must be balanced before it can be finalized.
# Closes must be <= now
# Once a stream is finalized, it cannot be re-opened.
# Called by : `sender` or `receiver`
def finalize_stream(stream_id: str):
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY], 'Stream does not exist.'
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] == STREAM_ACTIVE, 'Stream is not active.'
sender = streams[stream_id, "sender"]
receiver = streams[stream_id, "receiver"]
assert ctx.caller in [sender, receiver], 'Only sender or receiver can finalize a stream.'
begins = streams[stream_id, BEGIN_KEY]
closes = streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY]
rate = streams[stream_id, RATE_KEY]
claimed = streams[stream_id, CLAIMED_KEY]
assert now <= closes, 'Stream has not closed yet.'
outstanding_balance = calc_outstanding_balance(begins, closes, rate, claimed)
assert outstanding_balance == 0, 'Stream has outstanding balance.'
streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] = STREAM_FINALIZED
return f"Finalized stream {stream_id}"
# Convenience method to close a stream, balance it and finalize it
# Called by `sender`
def close_balance_finalize(stream_id: str):
change_close_time(stream_id=stream_id, new_close_time=str(now))
# Convenience method to balance a stream and finalize it
# Called by `receiver` or `sender`
def balance_finalize(stream_id: str):
# Forfeit a stream to the sender
# Called by `receiver`
def forfeit_stream(stream_id: str) -> str:
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY], 'Stream does not exist.'
assert streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] == STREAM_ACTIVE, 'Stream is not active.'
receiver = streams[stream_id, RECEIVER_KEY]
assert ctx.caller == receiver, 'Only receiver can forfeit a stream.'
streams[stream_id, STATUS_KEY] = STREAM_FORFEIT
streams[stream_id, CLOSE_KEY] = now
return f"Forfeit stream {stream_id}"
def calc_outstanding_balance(begins: str, closes: str, rate: float, claimed: float) -> float:
begins = begins
closes = closes
claimable_end_point = now if now < closes else closes
claimable_period = claimable_end_point - begins
claimable_seconds = claimable_period.seconds
amount_due = (rate * claimable_seconds) - claimed
return amount_due
def calc_claimable_amount(amount_due: float, sender:str) -> float:
return amount_due if amount_due < balances[sender] else balances[sender]
def construct_stream_permit_msg(sender:str, receiver:str, rate:float, begins:str, closes:str, deadline:str) -> str:
return f"{sender}:{receiver}:{rate}:{begins}:{closes}:{deadline}:{ctx.this}"
def strptime_ymdhms(date_string: str) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')