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Execution Context in Contracting.

When you are running a contract, you often want to know who is running it. For example, if someone who isn't an account owner tries to spend their money, you need to have some way of identifying who that person is and prevent that from happening. This is where Context, or ctx inside of smart contracts, comes into play.

There are six types of ctx variables.

ctx.callerThe identity of the person or smart contract calling the function.Changes when a new function is evoked to the name of the smart contract that evoked that function. This allows for gating.
ctx.thisThe identity of the smart contract where this variable is used.Constant. Never changed. Use for giving smart contracts rights and accounts.
ctx.signerThe top-level signer of the transaction. This is constant throughout the transaction's execution
ctx.ownerThe owner of the contract, which is an optional field that can be set on time of submission.If this field is set, only the ctx.owner can call any of the functions on the smart contract. This allows for a parent-child model.
ctx.entryThe entry function and contract as a tuple.ctx.entry can help you distinguish a caller (either user or contract) and if the caller is a contract, it will inform you about the method from which that contract called your contract.
ctx.submission_nameThe name of the submission contract, usually 'submission'.

A note on account & contract addresses

  • In Contracting, account addresses are 32-byte hexadecimal strings.
  • For these examples, accounts are represented as shortened versions, e.g. db21a73137672f075f9a8ee142a1aa4839a5deb28ef03a10f3e7e16c87db8f24 will be represented as db21a731.
  • Contract addresses, with the exception of system contracts always start with con_, e.g. con_direct.


This is the most complex Context variable, but also the most useful. The ctx.caller is the same as the transaction signer (ctx.signer) at the beginning of execution. If the smart contract that is initially invoked calls a function on another smart contract, the ctx.caller then changes to the name of the smart contract calling that function, and so on and so forth until the end of the execution.

con_direct smart-contract

def who_am_i():
    return ctx.caller

con_indirect smart-contract

import con_direct

def call_direct():
    return con_direct.who_am_i()

Assume the two contracts above exist in state space.

  • If 2fadab39 calls who_am_i on the con_direct contract, 2fadab39 will be returned because con_direct does not call any functions in any other smart contracts.
  • However, if 2fadab39 calls call_direct on the con_indirect contract, con_indirect will be returned because con_indirect is now the caller of this function.
    ctx.signer    +----------------+       
                  |   calling      |        
    2fadab39 ---> |   who_am_I( )  |        
                  |                |        
                  ctx.caller = 2fadab39    
                  con_indirect           con_direct                        
    ctx.signer    +---------------+      +----------------+                     
                  |               |      |   calling      |        
    2fadab39 ---> |               | ---> |   who_am_I( )  |        
                  |               |      |                |        
                  +---------------+      +----------------+        
                                         ctx.caller = con_indirect

A good example of how to use this would be in a token contract.

con_token smart-contract

balances = Hash()
def seed():
    balances['2fadab39'] = 100
    balances['contract'] = 99

def send(amount, to):
    assert balances[ctx.caller] >= amount

    balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
    balances[to] += amount

con_contract smart-contract

import con_token

def withdraw(amount):
    assert ctx.caller == '2fadab39'

    con_token.send(amount, ctx.caller)

In the above example:

  • 2fadab39 has 100 tokens directly on the token contract.
  • She can send them, because his account balance is looked up based on the ctx.caller when the send function is called.
  • con_contract also has 99 tokens.
  • When con_contract imports con_token and calls send, ctx.caller is changed to con_contract, and its balance is looked up and changed accordingly.


This is a very simple reference to the name of the smart contract. Use cases are generally when you need to identify a smart contract itself when doing some sort of transaction, such as sending payment through an account managed by the smart contract but residing in another smart contract.

con_registrar smart-contract

names = Hash()

def register(name, value):
    if names[name] is None:
        names[name] = value

con_controller smart-contract

import registrar

def register():
    registrar.register(ctx.this, "some_value")

In the above example:

The arguments passed to register on con_registrar will be con_controller and some_value.


This is the absolute signer of the transaction regardless of where the code is being executed in the call stack. This is good for creating blacklists of users from a particular contract.

con_blacklist smart-contract

not_allowed = ['2fadab39', 'db21a731']

def some_func():
    assert ctx.signer not in not_allowed
    return 'You are not blacklisted!'

con_indirect smart-contract

import con_blacklist

def try_to_bypass():
    return con_blacklist.some_func()

In the above example:

2fadab39 calls the try_to_bypass function on con_indirect.

The transaction will still fail because ctx.signer is used for gating instead of ctx.caller.


Never use ctx.signer for account creation or identity. Only use it for security guarding and protection. ctx.caller should allow behavior based on the value. ctx.signer should block behavior based on the value.


On submission, you can specify the owner of a smart contract. This means that only the owner can call the @export functions on it. This is for advanced contract pattern types where a single controller is desired for many 'sub-contracts'. Using ctx.owner inside of a smart contract can only be used to change the ownership of the contract itself. Be careful with this method!

con_ownable smart-contract

def change_ownership(new_owner):
    ctx.owner = new_owner

In the above example:

The contract is not callable unless the ctx.caller is the ctx.owner. Therefore, you do not need to do additional checks to make sure that this is the case.


When someone calls a contract through another contract, you might want to know what contract and function it was that called it in the first place.

ctx.entry returns a tuple containing the name of the contract and the function that was called.

con_contract smart-contract

def function():
    # Output when someone used con_other_contract: ("con_other_contract","call_contract")
    return ctx.entry

con_other_contract smart-contract

import con_contract

def call_contract():

In the above example :

The output of con_contract.function() will be ("con_other_contract", "call_contract").